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MNSCUG June 2012 Meeting Notes

Wally Mead

Update: Wally's slides are here.

Thanks again to Wally Mead for making it to MNSCUG today despite his travel issues. If I can get any slide decks from him, I'll post them here. Thanks to Jarvis Davis for helping me to fill the gap until Wally arrived. Glad to have Chris Nackers and Sherry Kissinger attending. I saw them answering lots of questions. I think Chris is the 9th MVP who has attended or presented to MNSCUG. Thanks to Nick the AV guy and Rebecca the receptionist (she got us the entire room for the day so we weren't squeezed). Good to see our founder, Tim Benjamin again too!

At the beginning of the session this morning, we took an informal poll and it was clear that people want to hear more about Orchestrator and Service Manager. So to get that in, the schedule is looking tentatively like this:

  • July 6th, Michael Niehaus
  • August 15th, Altrinsic\Orchestrator (Steve Jasok)
  • September 19th, Service Manager (Nash Pherson)\GPOs

Thanks to everyone for the great Q&A. We'll get the rest of that swag handed out next month.

Update: Matthew Teegarden took notes about SP1 and posted them to his site.

And these responses just in from Wally to 2 questions asked Friday:

  • Will there be a setting to allow clients to use the metered network after a deadline?
    *** We will use the metered connection at the deadline. We only adhere to that setting prior to the deadline, then use them at the deadline.
  • Will a client coming online after many days get a barrage of SCEP policies to catch up on?
    *** These real-time actions are only for online clients. Offline clients wouldn't see them, and not get the old ones when they reconnect. They'd just see any new ones upon starting back up. If offline, they could still get definitions from WU/MU as appropriate, or other configured methods of definition delivery.
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