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The Twin Cities Systems Managment User Group (TCSMUG) is a not for profit organization of System Center IT professionals.  We leverage our sponsorship program to provide food and beverages for our monthly meetings and bringing in speakers for the group. We offer a variety of levels to suit your needs.


  • 60-70 minutes to provide product overview to the group.
  • Access to the groups email list.
  • Link to your site posted on our front page and sponsors page (Gold Section) for 1 year.

Provide food/beverages for a meeting + $3000 donation


  • 30-40 minutes to provide product overview to the group.
  • Link to your site posted on our sponsors page (Silver Section) for 1 year.

Provide food/beverages for a meeting + $1500 donation.


Attend a meeting and allow us to give a quick 10 minutes overview of your product and be available to answer questions and meet the group.  Link to your site posted on our sponsors page (Bronze Section) for 1 year.

Provide food/beverages for a meeting + $500 donation


Just sponsor a meeting with food/beverages and we'll thank you at the meeting and put your linkable logo in that month's newsletter.

The Twin Cities Systems Management User Group is an unincorporated charitable organization (EIN# 83-4031322).  Sponsorship checks should be made out to “Twin Cities Systems Management User Group”.