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June 2001 Meeting Notes

Lu Patrick from Benchmark announced that they have partnered with Truesec which means this year they have sessions with Johan, Mikael, and Kent!  That's huge.  If you're never allowed to go to MMS because it's in Vegas, then you'll be happy to try to go to one of these since they'll be local!  Very cool.  We'll shoot out details in the next newsletter, but if you want to get your foot in the door, head over to Benchmark's site and search for Truesec.

1E popped for a great meal and Tammy gave us a few details on their latest product: App Clarity.  It does what you were hoping to get out of AI, but far more.  The promise is that if you're already running software metering, you'll see nearly instant savings.  App Clarity will politely ask users if they mind if you remove expensive, non used software on the fly (or you can decide to set some to just remove w/o asking).  Lots of options.  Get 1E to help you write your business case for you and you'll see there is almost no work involved to start saving money.

Richard Zuraff showed his OSD expertise again.  He really needs to get a session out at MMS.  This stuff was gold.  The Q & A from the audience was great.  And here is the link to his slidedeck. Click here.

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