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March 2011 Meeting Notes

Thanks Ryan Andorfer & General Mills for a great Opalis session last night. I for one went right back to work and asked why we weren't using it yet. If you want to catch the entire session at MMS, it's called BB54 Opalis and Configuration Manager - Real World Stories.

We also showed off Roger Zander's Client Center and looked at a few logs, but I'm not sure we really got into the level of troubleshooting people were looking for, so watch for a part 2 of that in the future.

Then the best news of the night was that everyone agreed that next month, we could change our date to meet - now set for the 22nd of April. Why? So that we could get Wally Mead to speak that day!!! It's official. He was already traveling, but just for us, he got funding to stop here in MPLS and stay a night so that he could attend our meeting. Also unusual for us is that we'll be meeting from 11-2 that day. So no rush hour traffic to contend with. CDW will bring lunch in too.

I'm thinking it's going to be the session of the year. I'll try to get a formal invite out tomorrow as well as the standard ClicktoAttend registration.

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