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October Meeting Notes

  • Thanks Anthony for the 1e updates.
  • Thanks 1e for the best food ever at our user group.
  • Thanks Mike Kellogg for the update on the MCT.
  • Thanks JD for the ice for the beer.
  • Thanks Jarvis for your year as president.
  • Congrats to John Nelson on your election as president.
  • Congrats Richard Zuraff on your election as VP.

I'll see if we can get a forum for our group up on myITforum.

Update: Sounds like another vendor and round table next month, not Shavlik. Stay tuned.

From the website mailbox:

Message Congratulations to # 2 our new president, and Thank you Jarvis for the dedicated work!
If no one else volunteers for next month, I would like to present and get opinions and help working with SCUP
Amnon Feiner

Shavlik mentioned that they'd like to show their SCUP plugin, so maybe we can have Amnon lead us on SCUP and Shavik follow with how they can make it easier.  Stay tuned!

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