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August 2017 MNSCUG Meeting

The August 2017 Minnesota System Center User Group meeting will be Wednesday, August 16th from 4:30pm to 7pm at the MTC in Edina. 3601 76th Street West. Edina, MN 55435 6th floor

MNSCUG President and Microsoft MVP Ryan Ephgrave of Wells Fargo along with former MNSCUG President and also current Microsoft MVP Fred Bainbridge, again of Wells Fargo will bring you a session on Enterprise Level Scripting with PowerShell, SMA, and GitHub.

This session will cover the absolute essentials to writing scripts in an enterprise friendly fashion. They will go over everything from standards to testing to tooling. This is what you need to do in order for your scripting and automation to be taken seriously. This will not be a highly technical session, but instead it will focus more on process. If you are going to be scripting in your job, which you should be doing, you need to know these topics.

A special thanks to Ivanti for being a Silver sponsor and providing food. 



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