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May 09 Meeting - Post MMS\Roundtable

Hello everyone,

It was great to see many familiar faces from MN at MMS this year. This month's meeting is on Wednesday 5/20 at the Microsoft Bloomington office. This will be an informal Round Table discussion, which is always a great way to bring up issues or questions you may have in your environment. We'll start by discussing our main take away points from MMS and have an open floor for topics.

This month we are fortunate to have pizza and beverages provided by the team from Piper Jaffray. Food arrives at 4:30, and we'll start the meeting at 5:00, ending anywhere from 6:30-7:00. If someone has a question or topic they would like to discuss feel free to email me and I'll make a list to bring up at the meeting.

Please sign up using this link so we can order the right amount of food, we'll have some MMS swag to give away as well.

Hope to see many of you there!

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