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April 2016 All Day Meeting

Our next user group meeting will be April the 20th, from 8:30am to 4:30pm at Microsoft's Edina HQ building - 6th Floor, Lake of the Woods room. Please register in advance so we can get a proper count for food and drink. On deck we have:

Eventbrite - MNSCUG April 2016 Meeting

An abbreviated agenda:

8:30 – Coffee\Donuts
9-12 – Terrill and something OSD related
12-1 – Lunch with Crumbaker on 1E stuff (Gold sponsor)
1-4:30 – Rachui on something CM or SCOM related

Once again, we're happy to announce that 1E is sponsoring MNSCUG as a gold sponsor this year. Their support makes it possible to bring in big speakers like this. 

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