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April 16th Meeting

Windows Home ServerI will be speaking on the first day of MMS if you're going. But if you can't make it to MMS, you can see that very same presentation at the April MiSC User Group Meeting on April 16th.I will do a dry-run of my MMS presentation. Free!

And this month for swag, we have a copy of Windows Home Server to one lucky winner (registration required).


SY30 SQL Performance Tips for SMS and ConfigMgr Reporting Gurus
Brian Mason, Steve Thompson
Track(s): Systems Management
Session Type(s): Breakout Session
Products(s): Configuration Manager 2007, Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft ConfigMgr MVPs Brian Mason and Steve Thompson will show you how to speed SQL & web reports so that they don't melt your server, time out, or make your boss wonder if you know what you're doing. Brian will create reports using SQL Design Editor, and then Steve will show how powerful a couple easy changes can be in speeding reports and reducing server load. See how Brian plans to install and configure SQL for his400K client infrastructure so that SQL is optimized for all of ConfigMgr, not just reports. From web reports to RAID and disk partitioning, see how to keep your reports responsive and your system snappy whether your database size is measured in Megs or Terabytes.

The meeting is again at the Microsoft Bloomington Office, 9th floor - around 4:30pm.

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