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Board Meeting 2016 Minutes

December 10th 2015
Attendance - Matthew Teegarden, Steve Jesok, Fred Bainbridge, Brian Mason, Joe Kaster, Terence Kolstad, Manoj Shah, Nash Pherson

2015 Year End

  • Great year, great feedback
  • Brought in sponsors

2016 - Renew sponsors - Some sort of CRM system would be useful
Use QuickBooks for Sponsorship stuff once we get on QB in 2016

2016 Topics:

  • OSD day was great. For sure we'll do another!
  • OPSMGR all day was great
  • Seems like the MNSCUG audience wants more SCOM
  • Move the May meeting to Monday and Friday and be ready to cancel it for MMS
  • Matthew will be sure to confirm with Brian regarding April all-day

2016 Speakers we'd like to see:

  • Jason Sandys
  • Deployment bunny - Mikael Nystrom
  • Kevin Holman / Cameron Fuller
  • Kent Agerlumd
  • Peter Daalmans
  • Don Jones
  • Greg Ramsey - also sponsor - Brian can ask Warren if Greg comes

2016 Sponsors:

  • Goal renew all 2015
  • AppSense?
  • Cyberadvisors has committed to 2016 for 1 food sponsorship
  • Maximum of 2 gold sponsors per year


  • Election Process - needs more definition
  • Create Election Process Procedure
  • Process for how we are going to handle the elections
  • General members recommend
  • VP and the Pres in two separate elections
  • Board of Directors not mentioned during elections
  • Current board of directors will make the final decision for all positions

Bylaws are agreed upon
Quarterly Board Meetings

  • These happen before or during scheduled MNSCUG meetings
  • If this can't happen we will need to provide 2 weeks in advance

Certify Officers:

  • President - Fred
  • Vice President - Joe
  • Treasurer - Nash
  • Secretary - Brian Mason
  • Board - passed


Annual Budget Proposal - not including MMS - In January the board will be reviewing the books and a finance policy will be defined

  • 2014 and 2015 are in the black
  • In January a financial statement will be made available
  • Budget items need to be defined
  • Expense report process will be defined in January

Addendum - 12/15/2015
Motioned for the 2016 board to be as follows -
Making the 2016 board:


1. Fred Bainbridge - President
2. Joe Kaster - Vice President
3. Brian Mason - Secretary
4. Nash Pherson - Treasurer
5. Matthew Teegarden
6. Steve Jesok
7. Terence Kolstad
8. Steve Buchanan
9. Manoj Shah
10. Tim Benjamin
11. Joey Gleason
12. Ryan Ephgrave


Voted via email -
6 votes in favor, 1 abstentia (no) motion passes.
Board members able to vote (2015 members)
Fred, Matthew, Brian, Nash, Steve J, Steve B, Joey

  • Created on .