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MNSCUG October 2015 Meeting Notes

Here are the notes from our October meeting.  Better late than never!

The attendees held elections for officer positions and Fred Bainbridge was reelected as president and Joe Kaster was elected as Vice President.  Congratulations Joe and Fred, thank you for help and support.  Thank you to our sponsor Squadra Technologies as well.   

   In order to use the Role Based Administration Viewer that is part of the SCCM Toolkit: 
Edit the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\XmlStorage\ConsoleRoot\SiteConfigurationNode.xml
Future Meeting Topics Powershell deployment toolkit Toolkit DSC Next version of SCCM Q4 2015 Rest of the suite next year sometime. Released with the new Server OS SCCM Technical Preview 3 is out. Seems to be a monthly rollout of new updates update and servicing node: Now you can see what is new for SCCM and run a pre-req checker and install. Updates the site and clients Does the client auto update on other non-microsoft devices? Console Upgrade: There is a new share called AdminUIContentPayload. When you open a down level console it will prompt you to upgrade Can this be turned off? Can an up level console manage a down level site? WSUS – Sync now includes WSUS cleanup – link to house of cards and how to melt a Sup SCCM will have a windows 10 servicing node: Introduction to Windows 10 Servicing -
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