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October 2015 MNSCUG Meeting

Can you believe that we are only one month away from MMS 2015! Because we haven't sold out and because MNSCUG puts this event on, we can still get you a good deal (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


Our next user group meeting will be Wednesday, October 21st at 4:30 - 7:00pm at Microsoft's Edina HQ building - 6th Floor, Lake of the Woods room.  Please register in advance so we can get a proper count for food and drink.


October is going to be a very busy month for us.  First up we have elections.  After elections we are going to try and pack three different sessions for you.


MNSCUG President Fred Bainbridge:  A quick overview of how the PowerShell deployment toolkit can be used to quickly stand up System Center lab environments.  In this example you will learn how to use the PDT to create a domain controller and a member server with SQL and SCCM.  Remember last months topic on automation?  Perhaps this type of request could be tied to SMA whenever your engineers need a quick lab environment!


Steve Jesok and Joseph Kaster:  SCCM - RBA.   Have you ever had the need to provide multiple groups access into SCCM and control which systems they have access to? Role based access (RBA) is for you. In this session we'll go over configuring role permissions, collections, and security scopes. By doing this correctly, you can provide access to your environment while only allowing the user to perform the actions you specify.


MNSCUG Vice President Matthew Teegarden:  PowerShell DSC.  By now you have heard of PowerShell desired state configuration, but have you ever seen it in action.  In this demo you will learn how to create the DSC configuration files and deploy them to a group of servers.


Food and beverages will be provided by our bronze sponsor Squadra Technologies.squadratech

Registration is free to the public, but please be sure to sign-up if you are attending so we can ensure everyone has enough food and drink.

Eventbrite - February 2014 MNSCUG Meeting


See you there!

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