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MNSCUG September 2015 Meeting Notes

The September meeting was a good one.  Lots of great content from Ryan Andorfer regarding Service Management Automation.  The latest automation arm of the System Center suite.  Thanks again to concurrency for sponsoring!
  • SMA – store powershell scripts in a centralized location. Does not require SCORCH
  • SMA – PowerShell v4 currently. V5 not supported. SCORCH uses 32 bit PS v2 for comparison
  • PowerShell v2 introduced the concept of workflows. These workflows can be used in SMA, however, using PowerShell modules would do the same as workflows – but easier. Modules can be deployed to SMA and to the local servers so they are available both to SMA and to the administrators remoting into those SMA servers.
  • Capacity – SCORCH by default can run 50 runbooks at a time. SMA has similar default capacity. Both can be tuned.
  • Ryan’s team created a database that tracks the runbook usage and time saved. Last quarter they ran a report that showed the value of automation versus manual. The money saved was almost $500,000.
  • Another benefit is to track who requested what change to the environment
  • Using the PowerShell ISE – a great tool to help store, sort, and search your projects -
  • Use ErrorActionPrefernce = Stop. This will help you identify non-terminating errors.
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