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MNSCUG May 2015 Meeting with Wally

Our next MN System Center User Group meeting will be MONDAY, May 11th 9am - 4:30pm at Microsoft's Edina HQ building - 6th Floor, Lake of the Woods.


This month's meeting is an all day meeting sponsored by Secunia. Secunia returns as a gold sponsor to MNSCUG so we're very happy to have their support. They'll also be buying pizza and drinks for lunch while we watch Sherry Kissinger (Microsoft MVP) and Meaghan McKeown from Secunia talk about real-world 3rd party patching.

We start the morning at 8:30am with some coffee and meet & greet time back at Microsoft's MTC building, 6th floor.

At 9am, Wally Mead from Cireson will start with CM. We all know Wally from 20 years of webcasts and training sessions on SMS\CM. Now with Cireson, Wally is still second to none on his knowledge of CM. We're not holding him to anything specific to discuss at any certain time of the day. He'll come to share all he knows in the format of his choosing with plenty of ongoing discussions with attendees.

We'll break for lunch around noon where you can grab pizza and a drink and get back to your seats to hear Sherry and Meaghan.

Next up is our current MNSCUG VP (& MCT, MCSE - Systems Engineer with Concurrency) Matthew Teegarden show us exactly how to setup the Ola indexing script for SQL and then go into software update management.

Wally will start back up around 2 until the end of the day. Thanks to Cireson, another gold sponsor for lending Wally to us for the day!

Now to help Secunia with food count for lunch, please Register.

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