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January 2015 Meeting Notes

Fred took notes:

For first meeting of 2015 we had a surprise visit from the original MNSCUG founder, Tim Benjamin. Since founding the user group over a decade ago he has since gone on to become a Data Center Technical Specialist with Microsoft. He addressed the group for about an hour giving us some entertaining MNSCUG history as well as his take on the industry at large. Lots of insightful information was shared with the group. It was a nice surprise to have him in attendance and for him to take time to answer questions from the crowd. He also had some really thought provoking questions and challenges for the group relating to cloud adoption, security and mobile device management.

I believe we will be seeing more of Tim this year and that is a good thing.

The rest of the meeting was a classic round table. There were a lot of topics discussed covering a very wide range of topics. ConfigMgr daily tasks, MBAM, Build and Capture, Mobile Management... and on and on. And of course we talked about Java and how much everyone loves it.

By the way, few of you filled out the survey and so far the results lean heavily toward CM and OSD. All other subjects were off the charts low. If you haven't filled out the survey, you still can here.

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