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January Meeting


I hope everyone was able to relax and have an enjoyable holiday season.  For this months User Group meeting, we have the privilege of Lu Patrick presenting a session titled:"Monitoring Configuration Manager 2007 with Operations Manager 2007".  Lu is one of the trainers at New Horizons and she focuses on SCCM/SCOM, VB and PowerShell scripting.  This month we will be meeting at the New Horizons building, about a mile North East of the Microsoft building, and they will provide pizza and beverages.  Please sign up for the event with the link below so we can order the right amount of food.  Food will arrive at 4:30 and the event will begin at 5:00 p.m.  This is one of the topics that has repeatedly come up in discussions and I know I'm excited to learn more about.

Here is a description from Lu:
You’ve gone through the process of implementing a Configuration Manager 2007 hierarchy. Your proof of concept was flawless and now you’re in production. Applications are deploying and operating system refreshes are becoming more automatic. You’ve actually caught up with software updates. Everything is running smoothly…except for that site status critical state that crops up occasionally. Oh, and your site backup task seems to take forever to complete. And there are still some challenges in managing those mobile devices. And it’d be good to know what effect that last hardware inventory change had on your site hierarchy. And…

But there aren’t enough hours in your day. How do you stay on top of this product? Monitor it with Operations Manager 2007!

OpsMgr has a comprehensive management pack for Configuration Manager. This session will cover what’s monitored, what adjustments you might want to make to the default settings of the management pack, and some interesting add-ons to the base Configuration Manager management pack.

Thank you New Horizons for offering your facility, food, and Lu's time for this presentation.
Directions -
Lu Patrick -

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