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March 2014 MNSCUG Meeting Notes

Thanks to BlueStripe for hosting last night.

Thanks to Dan Audley for driving up all the way from Charlotte to speak about SCOM.

Some interesting tools came up during the meeting. Here are links to them.

Tao Yang's Self-Maintenance management pack for OpsMgr 2012

Override Explorer for Operations Manager 2012

Microsoft Management Packs - WiKi

If you have others, email them in (you can use the contact form). I'll also make sure that if you logon to the site that you get the subscription controls for the newsletter; I heard that may not be working.

Update: Dan just sent this in for us:

  1. WMI memory leak in Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8
  2. WMI memory leak in Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7
  3. How to enable proxy agent on all Agents where it is not enabled

    get-SCOMagent | where {$_.ProxyingEnabled -match "False"} | Enable-SCOMAgentProxy
  4. How to enable proxy agents as a default setting in SCOM 2012 R2 from the Management Server. This effects all Agents installed after the setting is committed.

    add-pssnapin "Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.Client";
    new-managementGroupConnection -ConnectionString:<FQDN of SCOM Management Server>;
    set-location "OperationsManagerMonitoring::";
    Set-DefaultSetting -Name HealthService\ProxyingEnabled -Value True

Next month is Kent Agerlund. And don't forget we meet on a Monday instead.

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