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September MNSCUG Meeting - Friday September 27th

Our September meeting will be an all day event with Wally Mead!  The meeting will be at Benchmark in Edina  from 9:30 am - 3:30 pm on Friday September 27th.  Lunch will be provided by Catapult Systems.  There will be wireless available, but we cannot guarantee how 'available' it will be with all of us using it.


Wally Mead

A Day with Wally Mead - Friday September 27th 9:30am - 3:30pm

For those of you not familiar with Wally Mead.  He has been with Microsoft for 21 years, working almost exclusively with Microsoft's systems management technologies (SMS 1.0 through Configuration Manager 2012). He now works as the community lead for the Configuration Manager product group, managing the MVPs, discussion aliases and forums, and working with TAP customers on evaluating pre-release versions of Configuration Manager.

Our goal with this meeting is to make it as interactive as possible.  All questions, issues, bugs regarding ConfigMgr are welcome to the table.  We will reviewing Wally's favorites with R2, discussing tracking bugs, and suggesting product enhancements.  R2 will be generally available Oct 18th.


We will have give away items provided by Catapult systems, and a few other goodies (Win 8 Pro, Office 2013) for the good questions, great bug reports, and folks who speak up and help drive the conversation!  Again, lunch will be provided, so please be certain to register so we can have appropriate counts.


Eventbrite - MNSCUG Meeting - September 27th 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM

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