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MNSCUG May 2013 Meeting Notes

Well I shouldn't have waited so long to post these notes since I forgot a lot of what I was going to write.

Jarvis gave a really nice session on CM12. I interrupted him a lot (sorry Jarvis) but the intent was to help people see that user group meetings are meant to be more informal and interactive. And I think a lot of good discussion was generated as a result. I showed some CM12 R2 stuff afterwards. One thing I pointed out was that SQL backups are now really king and I mentioned . I can tell you I followed that post myself to setup our servers at work.

We had lots of good Q and A afterwards. The guys from the U showed how they were limiting their GPO for client install via SUP. This is their query for the WMI filter:

select * from CCM_updatesource where ContentLocation like "HTTPS://[servernamehere]%"


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