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November 2012 Meeting

Our next MN System Center User Group meeting will be Thursday, November 15th. from 4:30pm - 7:15pm at Microsoft's new Edina HQ building - 6th Floor, Lake of the Woods.

We'll do a session with JD Rickard on being a team lead and dealing with politics. Then we'll open things up for a round table session.

  • Now that the elections are over, let's talk politics
  • Avoiding CLMs (Career Limiting Maneuvers)
  • Small company vs. large company challenges
  • Putting together a great team
  • Leading and keeping a great team
  • Balancing work, communication, research, training, and playtime
  • Finding stuff to fix
  • Saying no, and why most meetings are really cargo cults
  • Message is everything - defining success

Thanks to CDW who will sponsor food and beverages!

Please register soon at ClicktoAttend to help us gauge the food count.

JD Rickard is currently the technical team lead for the Wells Fargo & Co. Configuration Management team. He's been honored to work with what he considers the finest team in the industry. Over his fifteen years he has won, lost, and (usually) gained back the respect of such luminaries in the field as Richard Dixon, Rob Olson, Sherry Kissinger, John Nelson, and Brian Mason. In his early career, he experimented with programming, independent contracting as a systems consultant, teaching English for the People's Republic of China's Ministry of Petroleum, and insect research for the University of Minnesota and the Minneapolis Parks and Rec department.

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