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October 2012 Meeting Notes

In our October meeting, I talked about elections and "the board."

For years, now, there has been a group of us who find speakers, schedule them, arrange sponsorship, maintain the website, and send out the newsletters. That group has had members come and go and is currently made up of 8 of us. I guess we can just call it "the board." We've also had a president and VP each year as well. The president of the group should lead the board and the VP should fill in. We've generally frowned upon reelection to those positions, because we want to get more involvement from group members and the payoff last year was getting Steve Jesok to become very involved with the group and even presenting a couple times.

So how do you get on the board should you wish to help out? Just use the contact form on this site. How do you run for president or VP? Use the same contact form. We were hoping to be able to do an online election before our November meeting for president and VP. We'd love to have anyone step up and throw their hat in the ring. I'll set a deadline now for November 1st to get your name in and we'll start voting until the next meeting. Don't worry about "being good enough" to run. We'll help you out. What we need is people to dedicate a little bit of time.

As for the rest of what happened at the October meeting, we enjoyed food from Big Bowl, beer, and Ed Aldrich talking about how the unification of 1E tools work to get Win7 out fast & easy with no extra staff. Thanks to Monica Shah-Davidson from 1E for sponsoring us again!

And finally, next meeting will be November 15th (meet & greet at 4:30, meeting to start at 5) - details and registration forthcoming. JD. Rickard will tell us how to navigate the world of politics and managers, etc. We'll do a round table discussion for the 2nd half of the meeting. It should be a fun session to close out the year.

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