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MNSCUG July 2012 Meeting - Niehaus

Michael Niehaus - MDT PM

Our next MN System Center User Group meeting will be Friday, July 6th from 10:30am - 3:30pm at Microsoft's new Edina HQ building - 6th Floor, Lake of the Woods. And MNSCUG is proud to welcome Michael Niehaus, Sr. Program Manager, Microsoft, for this afternoon session.

Like Johan, we just say "Niehaus" and people know you're talking about deployment. This is really another major star for our user group and we need to thank Chris Nackers for helping to get it arranged. (If you live closer to Madison, maybe you'll want to hit the MSMUG meeting instead.

Ever use MDT? Niehaus we the lead developer on it for years. Since the world of deployment has changed since Johan was last out, Michael plans to talk about:

  • MDT 2012 and MDT 2012 Update 1
  • Deploying Windows 8

Which will mean talking a bit about CM12 SP1 as well.

Virteva is sponsoring this event which includes lunch and a drawing to win a $150 Best Buy gift card! Thanks to Dave Walstad from Virteva for this great offer.

To help us get an accurate count for lunch and qualify for the drawing, please register at ClickToAttend.


Michael Niehaus is a Senior Program Manager in Microsoft's Solution Accelerator team. He was the lead developer for the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, a free collection of tools and guidance for deploying Windows and Microsoft Office faster and more efficiently. Prior to joining Microsoft in 2004, Michael spent his entire career in enterprise IT, focused on deploying and managing Microsoft software.

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