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Jan 23rd Meeting Notes


Yeah, right. Who took notes, anybody? If you did, please feel free to register and post them.

The freezing weather was probably responsible for the low turnout. I think outside of the Wells contigent, there was maybe 20 people. We could probably rename the meetings to the Get Reacquainted with Pat Hoyt Meeting since he's worked with 1/2 the people who show up. The round table format went quite well. We agreed to have more of them (like every other meeting or something - help me Joey). I learned that nobody is running SCOM in production except Wells, and that only one other large company (Matt, I'm not sure you want your company named) is running SCCM in production. Most everyone else is on MOM & SMS.

Tim asked that I post the document he showed regarding naming standards. I'll attach that here. But the most important rule is just to try to have one that winging it.

Tim says it looks like he'll get Mike Kellogg for the next meeting. Here is an ancient bio I found online, perhaps Tim or Joey can get us something newer.

Mike KellogMike Kellogg lives in Chanhassen, Minnesota with his wife Michelle and their daughter Katelyn.  Mike was born in Iowa and move to the St. Paul / Minneapolis area when he was 10.

He received a Bachelors Degree from the University of St. Thomas in 1990.

Mike worked for Honeywell Inc from 1990 – 1996 where he focused on Macintosh and UNIX administration, then moved to Project Planning and tracking finally managing projects under the overarching "Branch Automation Project." 

In 1996, he moved to a start-up consulting firm where he was a senior consultant focused on Windows Server and OpenServer UNIX integration in small business and non-profit organizations.

In 2000, he joined Microsoft.  He is a Technology Specialist focused on Microsoft's core infrastructure products including Windows Server, Active Directory, Microsoft Identity Integration Server and the Management Technologies.  While at Microsoft Mike received the "Distinguished Associate Technology Specialist Award" and has worked on several projects outside of his Server Technology Specialist Role.  These include; leading the TabletPC Field Trials from 2000 – 2002 and the  "Office for Macintosh" Beta Trials in 2004.

When Mike isn't working on computer systems, you can find him at home with his family or walking the trout streams of Southern Minnesota and western Wisconsin.

He and his family enjoy fishing, swimming and good football games.

We're also looking to get Ed Aldrich (5 year SMS MVP) to come to speak soon. He can show us some sexy tools from 1e and is happy to talk tech so long as you keep supplying the beer.

That's all I can remember at the moment. Any of you who attended, by all means feel free to register at this site and post anything you thing the rest of us wouild like to hear or discuss.

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