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March 2012 Meeting

Our next MN System Center User Group meeting will be Wednesday, March 21st at 4:30pm at the new Microsoft Edina HQ building - 6th Floor, Lake of the Woods.

This month we'll make an exception to our rule of one speaker and one round table discussion since we have 2 speakers.

First up is Jarvis Davis giving us the session he has planned for MMS:

CD-B209 Hierarchy Simplification with Configuration Manager 2012: A Real-World Example

Next up is Kent Agerlund, ConfigMgr MVP. Kent has these sessions going at MMS:

For our group, Kent plans to talk about software updates. But like Wally, he knows every subject inside and out and you can ask the expert if you have a question on any subject.

Food and drink will be sponsored by OpenDNS. And to help order the right amount, we're asking as usual for you to register on ClickToAttend.

"OpenDNS is the easiest way to prevent malware, botnets and phishing attacks,
and make your Internet safer, faster, smarter and more reliable."

Update: Swag for the month includes some SQL books, Outlook 2010 (think of those relatives on Home and Business who don't have Outlook), and a Microsoft Touch Mouse.

Update 2: Kent just emailed me that he is bringing some swag too which he will hand out during his session: "8 shirts, two hoodies and two x-mini speakers"

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