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October 2011 Meeting Notes

Thanks again to Johan for a great session

Thanks again to #2 and Richard for their service as president and vice president again for the past year. I'm quite sure everyone would agree that it was our best year for the group.

Thanks again to BDNA for the BW3 and beverages!

Jarvis took notes in OneNote and as soon as I get them, I'll add them to this post.

We held elections and since nobody put their hat into the ring, I did for president. A new guy, Steve Jesok from Ameriprise stepped up to be vice president. Thanks, Steve!

Our next meeting is November 16th. It's going to be at the new Microsoft HQ, just off of France Avenue. I'll get the exact address and a map here soon and I'll get it in the next invite. Mike Kellogg has agreed to give us tours of his amazing datacenter there. We'll have to go in groups, so I'm thinking that we'll just hold a round table in the main room and have folks break off in groups to get the tour.

Lots more details coming soon. And Jarvis's notes here just as soon as I get them. Johan was just outstanding as usual. It was cool to hear about the things coming in MDT 2012. The most interesting tidbit of the night to me was hearing that Server 8's version of Hyper-V was going to have data deduplication for VHDs. That is just amazing and I can't wait for the beta.

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