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AZSMUG Presents: Sherry Kissinger - ConfigMgr MVP

Hi Folks,

Sherry is running a Live Meeting for our the AZ User Group on Wednesday, August 3rd at 5pm and we're invited.  Details:

Sherry Kissinger, Configuration Manager MVP,,, will be presenting on customizing Hardware Inventory using ConfigMgr07 and touch on the differences upcoming in hardware inventory customizations with ConfigMgr 2012. She will also discuss Desired Configuration Management, and how in many scenarios a DCM Configuration Item could be used instead of customizing hardware inventory.

Online registration:

Registration site:

Event Code: 156455

Sherry broke CM12's inventory while doing the demo. If she can break it, we sure can too, so here are her notes on how to get it going again:


How to recover from a cm12 hinv smeg up (I'll blog this too, but make it nicer formatted. I hope). Here's my basic notes, no screen shots.

If you somehow messed up nice and royally, and can no longer click on "Set Classes...", you may have to directly edit WMI. If you go to root\sms\site_abc, select * from sms_inventoryClass. Find the entries you just added, and manually delete them.

Another potential place to look: root\cimv2\sms\inv_temp (then Enum Classes..., click recursive, OK. Scroll to bottom. Delete your custom classes there.)

Fyi, site_abc is because my site code is ABC. Input your 3-char site code for your site

MONITOR d:\cm\logs\dataldr.log. Sometimes this may appear, sometimes not. If you see an entry like "Cannot use DROP VIEW with 'v_xx_yourCustomName' because 'v_xx_yourCustomName' is a synonym.

Use DROP SYNONYM. If you see an entry like that, then you have to

  1. Launch SQL Management Studio, and connect to your database (usually SMS_xxx, where xxx is your site code)
  2. Type in DROP SYNONYM v_xx_yourCustomName (or whatever it said it couldn't drop view on, because it was a synonym). And then hit Execute. The bottom pane will say command completed successfully.

NOW that you've deleted it from

  1. It's gone from "Set Classes..."
  2. It's gone from WMI
  3. dataldr.log no longer whines about the DROP VIEW

THEN you can go back and

  1. Import your .mof file into Set Classes... (uncheck the boxes, after import, presuming you'll be doing a custom client setting)
  2. Create or edit your custom client agent setting, and enable your customization there.

Also, Sherry's PPT is here.

Also, she's blogged this now

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