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ConfigMgr Windows Update Agent Scan Results SQL queries

During the storms we received for WSUS / WUA Scanning in ConfigMgr during the last few weeks, in addition to Network traffic results, another way we could almost quickly tell if our Software Update Points were getting overwhelmed was by monitoring Scan Failures.  Attached --> Here <-- are a couple SQL Queries that should work in any environment.  Although the attached do not cover every possible scan result error code, it includes some error codes I've gleaned over the years from various sources.

If you have multiple Software Update Point servers, one of the reports inside can help you see if perhaps 1 particular server is being swamped but others are OK.  You can also adjust that report slightly--what is attached defaults to "client scan results in the last 24 hours".  When we were actively working the various issues--during several attempts where we thought 'A-ha! this might be it as the fix!', we could change it to "scan results in the last 1 hour" and see if successful scans were rising and failures decreasing.

Hopefully these sql queries might be a starting point for others caught in the same struggles of maintaining their WSUS / Software Update Points with all the challenges that seem to have been occurring in the last several months.

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