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CM12 - Day 4 in the lab

I forgot that one of the cool things about CM12 is single instance storage. When I upgraded the CM07 DP, it made a new share there based on that into a folder called SCCMContentLib.

My clitest package was parked and looking into the DataLib folder, I see package 3.1 has a file called payload.txt.INI – so my guess is if I make another package using the same payload.txt file in it, it won't have to go park it again on the DP; it'll just use this one.

So the next thing I did was deploy clitest to the all desktops and servers collection. 5 minutes later I see that I have 3 successes of 3 clients. Say, where is the cache folder on the client? Oh just weird! It's here: C:\Windows\ccmcache

Next up I guess is to get a SUP going. The question will be does the CAS need a WSUS console. I'm thinking no. I think I'd like to upgrade my DP to R2 SP1 to see if WSUS 3.0 SP2 is now installed when you install the role. Old R2 RTM still had 3.0 SP1, so you always had to go download WSUS and install it manually. Wait, I'm nuts. CM3 is my junk server where all roles are dumped on, so that's R2 already, but not SP1. Let me go SP1 that baby right now. Oh crap. I can't. CM12 is currently only available for R2… It can't go do SP1 yet, can it? I mean, I’m sure it'd work, but I can't really faithfully submit bugs to Connect if I'm on a version of the OS they haven't tested yet. Boooo.

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