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Kim's Chrome Search

I had a post back in March showing how to use Bing to help you find the same documentation. This weekend, Kim Oppelfens (MS MVP) made a nice post to help us find Microsoft documentation using search engine providers. He said he didn't test it with Chrome and I just did.

Kim's search page

If you go to Kim's post, you'll see a button to add providers based on what you're searching for. I clicked on the one for CM12 and got an error. Replace the word bing.comwith CM12 for the keyword.

So now if you type CM12 in the address\seach bar of Chrome (I'm using version 21), you'll see a box show in that bar to reflect that you're using the search engine provider targeting Microsoft's CM12 docs. So assume I'm looking for how to setup a replica for my MP, I just continue after typing CM12 with the word replica.

Search CM12 for the term replica

I assume you could do the same for each of these buttons using a keyword of your own choosing.

You can see how easy it is to get good results back, which blow away Google's search. Thanks Kim for the boost!


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